Okotoba ni Amaete (お言葉に甘えて - If You Insist)

Jan 23, 2018 10:56
Today I'd like to talk about the convenient Japanese expression, お言葉に甘えて (okotoba ni amaete), which can be used in various situations.

"Okotoba ni amaete" is used when you want to accept someone's kind offer willingly.

お (o) in お言葉 (okotoba) is a polite prefix, and 言葉 (kotoba) means "words."

Also, 甘えて (amaete) means "to depend on somsething."

Therefore, the literal meaning of "okotoba ni amaete" is "I depend on your words."

Here, "your words" implies "your kind offer," so this expression actually means "I'll take you on that" or "If you insist."



「お言葉」の「お」は丁寧の接頭辞で、「言葉」は "words" を意味します。

そして「甘えて」は "to depend on something" を意味します。

したがって「お言葉に甘えて」の文字どおりの意味は、"I depend on your words" となります。

ここで、お言葉 (your words) は好意 (your kind offer) を示唆しており、冒頭で紹介したような意味になるというわけです。

英語では "I'll take you up on that" や "If you insist" などと訳されます。
No. 1 outdoors's correction
  • Today I'd like to talk about the convenient Japanese expression, お言葉に甘えて (okotoba ni amaete), which can be used in various situations.
  • Today I'd like to talk about the useful convenient Japanese expression, お言葉に甘えて (okotoba ni amaete), which can be used in various situations.
good job
Thank you so much for the correction! (^^)
No. 2 Fifi's correction
  • "Okotoba ni amaete" is used when you want to accept someone's kind offer willingly.
  • "Okotoba ni amaete" is used when you want to accept someone's kind offer willingly.
  • Also, 甘えて (amaete) means "to depend on somsething."
  • Also, 甘えて (amaete) means "to depend on something."
  • Here, "your words" implies "your kind offer," so this expression actually means "I'll take you on that" or "If you insist."
  • Here, "your words" implies "your kind offer," so this expression actually means "I'll take you up on that" or "If you insist."
Thank you so much for your corrections! :)